The FCC’s repeal order included a provision preempting states from creating their own net neutrality rules, and this movement could lay the groundwork for a court battle over states’ rights to

2017-5-24 · Breaking down the FCC’s proposal to destroy net neutrality. New, 1 comment. The agency is asking if we even need any rules at all. By Gigi Sohn May 24, 2017, 12:40pm EDT FCC publishes net neutrality repeal, but debate goes on FCC publishes net neutrality repeal, but debate goes on By Benny Evangelista Feb. 23, 2018 Updated: Feb. 23, 2018 11:46 a.m. Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Net neutrality: What Trump and the FCC's plan means for 2017-12-12 · President Trump's FCC chairman Ajit Pai proposed ending net neutrality. Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers can't discriminate among websites (or apps). Ending the rule would allow ISPs like Verizon and Comcast to charge more money to use different websites. The vote is scheduled for Thursday, December 14. FCC's new net neutrality proposal: What do we really know 2014-4-28 · The FCC is scheduled to vote on a notice of proposed rulemaking, or NPRM, addressing the new net neutrality plan. In an NPRM, the commission releases a set of …

2017-5-24 · Breaking down the FCC’s proposal to destroy net neutrality. New, 1 comment. The agency is asking if we even need any rules at all. By Gigi Sohn May 24, 2017, 12:40pm EDT

2020-5-4 Net neutrality: The FCC voted to end it. What that means 2017-4-26 · The fight could shift to the courtroom as it did in 2011, when Verizon successfully sued the FCC over its net neutrality order. The 2015 rules survived a federal court challenge. The 2015 rules

2020-7-22 · Net neutrality court ruling: States can set own rules. A federal court upholds the FCC's repeal of Obama-era rules, but slams the agency for preempting state net neutrality laws.

The 3-2 vote on Feb. 26 was along party lines, with both Republican commissioners voting against the new rule, known as "net neutrality," which prevents ISPs from slowing down content streaming Join the Battle for Net Neutrality 2020-7-7 · In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted the Open Internet Order to protect Internet users from ISPs throttling traffic, censoring content, and imposing unfair fees. But just a few years later, a new chairman of the FCC killed net neutrality by repealing the Open Internet order. It's clear that we can't count on unelected bureaucrats to consistently defend our online Here's Another Chance to Weigh In on the FCC's Net Net neutrality advocates say the FCC's decision hurt public safety during the 2018 California wildfires, when Verizon throttled firefighters' mobile internet speeds after they exceeded their data FCC blames DDoS, not net neutrality comedy sketch, for