NSA Spying (2020): How to Stop the NSA from Having Access

Mar 21, 2016 · NSA spying can identify your friends, family, and social networks Using the data collected from the aforementioned Patriot Act and XKEYSCORE programs, the NSA can easily put together sophisticated graphs of Americans’ social circle, including the identification of their associates and colleagues, their travelling companions, their locations How the NSA is tracking people right now. Documents received by The Washington Post indicate the National Security Agency is collecting billions of records a day to track the location of mobile For those who have been fighting the uphill battle against the NSA’s domestic spying program, it was a small but symbolic victory. THE BAD NEWS: Congress’ legislative “fix,” intended to mollify critics of the NSA, will ensure that the agency is not in any way hindered in its ability to keep spying on Americans’ communications.

Trump Administration Moves To Reauthorize NSA’s

Background. Barton Gellman, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who led The Washington Post ' s coverage of Snowden's disclosures, summarized the leaks as follows: . Taken together, the revelations have brought to light a global surveillance system that cast off many of its historical restraints after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.Secret legal authorities empowered the NSA to sweep in the ELI5: Why should I care that the NSA is "spying" on me 1- NSA scandal is just one symptom of a bigger issue: govt checks and balances have broken down. Intelligence spending and activities are out of control, military spending is out of control, citizens got panicked by 9/11 and let govt take major new powers and now govt is out of our control. 2- NSA is just one point along a spectrum of threats Now you, too, can disable Intel ME 'backdoor' thanks to

Sep 09, 2013 · The NSA spying on Petrobras is no different from the NSA spying on the Brazilian government. And if you're surprised and disturbed that the U.S. government spies on other governments then you just

History of NSA Spying Information since 2005 (See EFF’s full timeline of events here) News reports in December 2005 first revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been intercepting Americans’ phone calls and Internet communications. Those news reports, combined with a USA Today story in May 2006 and the statements of several 10 Reasons You Should Still Worry About NSA Surveillance NSA’s global surveillance dragnet is massive. Under FISA 702, the NSA vacuums up massive … How to stop NSA from snooping on you | TheHill