May 05, 2009 · AdBlock rocks. NoScript's approach is throw-the-baby-with-the-bathwater. Use whatever you like, don't use anything if you wish. I've benefited from having adblock over the years. But for nut's sake, don't do anything surreptitious NoScript--that was nonsense!

NoScript and AdBlock plus – Two Sides to Every Story. Bozho May 2, 2009 (If you don’t want to read too much here, check the links below) Recently a lot of crap has been written at many places against NoScript (reddit, slashdot, the addon page on mozilla’s site, etc). Adblock Plus | The world's # 1 free ad blocker 2020-7-23 · Adblock Plus, the most popular ad blocker on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Android and iOS. Block pop-ups and annoying ads on websites like Facebook and YouTube. Extension Wars: Adblock Plus vs. NoScript Where NoScript went "evil" and drew this storm of criticism was with a recent update where NoScript would effectively modify Adblock Plus if the latter were installed, where new rules (a "subscription", to use the product term) were added to ABP that also whitelisted the NoScript site, ensuring ads … Pushbullet - Your devices working better together 2020-1-20 · Could NoScript or Adblock be blocking things? If this continues to happen after refreshing, please let us know at [email protected]

2015-2-6 · Adblock Plus 的商业性质在于它有一个默认启用的允许广告白名单 所以相比起来 应该使用 Noscript (Firefox) 21 lausius 2015-02-06 10:52:05 +08:00 1 AdBlock 更好,可以右键手动定义屏蔽哪个东西,不用写规则。 22 fvladlpa 2015-02-06 11:21:22 +08:00

Adblock evidently targeted him out of petty spite and went to some lengths to do so, even ruining his site in the process. Ridiculous. I can understand noScripts initial anger and competitiveness to block Adblock’s targeting of him, even if he went about it wrong for a few days. And I say that as a user of Adblock and not noScript. The Noscript developer Giorgio realized he was losing revenue because of the way Adblock Plus filters were written and decided to change his product, the highly popular security extension Noscript, to circumvent the barriers presented by the ad-blocking software. Another thing to mention is that there is a Noscript extension for Chrome but it is not the same as the one for Firefox. I like the Firefox version but not the Chrome version. I use it with Adblock Plus in Firefox but Adblock Plus remains just out of force of habit. On anything new I set up, it gets replaced by uBlock Origin.

FS#47395 : [firefox-{adblock-plus,noscript,firebug,raismth

适合自己的adblock过滤列表_weixin_30544657的 … 2018-12-16 · 需求: 想用adblock 过滤一个div窗体, 该窗体的特征是其子元素包含指定的文字.解决方法: 使用adblock的Snippet 过滤器语法.snippet 命令 hide-if-contains-visible-text 可以过滤包含指定文字的网页元素具体语法示例:$#hide-if-contains-visible-text '包含的 NoScript – Holen Sie sich diese Erweiterung für … Laden Sie NoScript für Firefox herunter. Die bestmögliche Sicherheit für Ihren Browser! Erlauben Sie das Ausführen von aktiven Inhalte nur Seiten, denen Sie vertrauen – damit schützen Sie sich gegen XSS- und Clickjacking-Angriffe, "Spectre", "Meltdown" und andere JavaScript Schwachstellen. NoScript - JavaScript/Java/Flash blocker for a safer NoScript, a plug-in utility, can limit the ability of remote programs to run potentially damaging programs on your PC", (Jan 7, 2007, John Markoff, Tips for Protecting the Home Computer). PC World's Ten Steps Security features using NoScript as step #6.