The JavaScript exceptions thrown by JSON.parse() occur when string failed to be parsed as JSON.. Message SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unterminated string literal SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad control character in string literal SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad character in string literal SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad Unicode escape SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad escape character SyntaxError: JSON.parse

PECL :: mongodb Changelog * [PHPC-1014] - config.m4 produces unterminated quoted string : 1.3.0 ** Bug * [PHPC-586] - Create regression tests for tailable cursor iteration * [PHPC-624] - WriteResult::getUpsertedIds() only supports ObjectIDs and integers * [PHPC-692] - Check for phongo_bson_to_zval_ex() failures in … LCOV - PostgreSQL 14devel - src/bin/psql/psqlscanslash.l 46 : */ 47 : static enum slash_option_type option_type; 48 : static char *option_quote; 49 : static int unquoted_option_chars; 50 : static int backtick_start_offset; 51 : 52 : 53 : /* Return values from yylex() */ 54 : #define LEXRES_EOL 0 /* end of input */ 55 : #define LEXRES_OK 1 /* OK completion of backslash argument */ 56 : 57 : 58 The cause is probably an unterminated quoted string in the installer. (well duh!). Either run it with the -x option to get more debug information, or open the installer in an editor and look for unmatched pairs of quotes. Example: #!/usr/bin/env bash #My demo installer! # echo "starting here!" There is an unterminated String somewhere. String literals must be enclosed by single ( ' ) or double ( " ) quotes. JavaScript makes no distinction between single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings.

syntax error: unterminated quoted string when using regexp_replace in bash script. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago. Active 4 years, 1 month ago.

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "' DECLARE timeout integer" Position: 57 I am able to sucessfully execute the below code through PGADmin (Provided by postgres) and command line utility "psql" and the trigger function is added but while executing through ANT it fails everytime Run-length encoding (find/print frequency of letters in a string) Sort an array of 0's, 1's and 2's in linear time complexity; Checking Anagrams (check whether two string is anagrams or not) Relative sorting algorithm; Finding subarray with given sum; Find the level in a binary tree with given sum K

the grep pipeline should be in back quotes not single quotes, as should each of the echo pipelines in the body of the loop – Murray Jensen Dec 13 '15 at 1:13

Error: unterminated quoted string in my xaml page @Khousrou - Check all the places you use the double quote character (") in your XAML. You would normally (unless you have them escaped) expect to have an even number of them (i.e. every string that you have a double quote character at the start of, should have a double quote character at the end). Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string. Cannot find error the grep pipeline should be in back quotes not single quotes, as should each of the echo pipelines in the body of the loop – Murray Jensen Dec 13 '15 at 1:13